Blooming Golf
Blooming golfs the daftest game that you have ever seen
Its played out in a great big field with hills and trees and stream
A greenkeeper builds obstacles to make it much more fun
with bunkers, ponds and slopping greens where little balls can run.
Each fairway is a different length to complicate the game
With bends and twists along the way no two holes are the same.
It would be very helpful to make the holes a bigger size
Instead they make them very small then stick a flag inside.
Across the green the golfer goes with trolley full of clubs
A little towel hanging down to give his balls a rub.
Some trollies have a battery to help them on their way
But sometimes they go too fast and crash on the fairway.
Onto the tee the golfer goes to play hole number three
He give a whack then looks dismayed, his balls stuck up a tree.
Hole number eights a tricky one its par four and its tough
But once again the player finds his ball is in the rough.
A little putt is all it takes to sink the ball on ten
Then blooming heck it rolls right round and down the hill again.
On the way to number twelve and 'fore' is shouted out
but the ball lands in the bunker so the wedge is taken out.
Hole fourteen is looking good, a straight drive to the green
Oh no! it's veered off to the right and landed in the stream.
With aching legs and muddy shoes the golfers feeling bad
The round of golf he'd just endured was the worst he'd ever had.
Finishing on the eighteenth green at last he gives a cheer
Then heads off to the club house to sink a glass of beer!
Blooming Golf.
Hilary J. 9/4/2012