Friday, April 27, 2012


Eat It Up

Eat those carrots
 They make you see in the dark.
But I'm scared of the dark.
Burnt toast make your hair curl
But I don't want curly hair.
Cabbage is full of iron
I don't want to go rusty
Milk makes your teeth strong
I don't want to bite anyone
Eat that fish it makes you brainy
I think I'm quite clever anyway
Oranges are full of vitamin C
So what
Garlic stops you having colds.
Liver is good for your blood.
Does everything have to do something
Can't it just taste good!

Hilary J.   27/4/12


Lets Play

A grubby little face looks up and sighs

Can you help me make mud pies?

A pretty pink princess smiles and says

could we bake a cake today?

So we make our mud pies and some gingerbread men

Then go play outside to make a big pirate den.

We walk to the park to the swings and the slide

Jump onto the roundabout and have a good ride.

We make paper planes and ramps for the car

And catch creepy crawlies to put in a jar.

Make perfume from rose petals that smells really bad

Thread beads and draw pictures for Mummy and Dad.

Sit down to eat ice cream, and a big chocolate bun

  Being a Granny is really good fun!


Hilary J. 27/4/12

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blooming Golf

Blooming Golf

Blooming golfs the daftest game that you have ever seen
Its played out in a great big field with hills and trees and stream
A greenkeeper builds obstacles to make it much more fun
with bunkers, ponds and slopping greens where little balls can run.

Each fairway is a different length to complicate the game
With bends and twists along the way no two holes are the same.
It would be very helpful to make the holes a bigger size
Instead they make them very small then stick a flag inside.

Across the green the golfer goes with trolley full of clubs
A little towel hanging down to give his balls a rub.
Some trollies have a battery to help them on their way
But sometimes they go too fast and crash on the fairway.

Onto the tee the golfer goes to play hole number three
He give a whack then looks dismayed, his balls stuck up a tree.
Hole number eights a tricky one its par four and its tough
But once again the player finds his ball is in the rough.

A little putt is all it takes to sink the ball on ten
Then blooming heck it rolls right round and down the hill again.
On the way to number twelve and 'fore' is shouted out
but the ball lands in the bunker so the wedge is taken out.

Hole fourteen is looking good, a straight drive to the green
Oh no! it's veered off to the right and landed in the stream.
With aching legs and muddy shoes the golfers feeling bad
The round of golf he'd just endured was the worst he'd ever had.

  Finishing on the eighteenth green at last he gives a cheer
Then heads off to the club house to sink a glass of beer!

Blooming Golf.

Hilary J.   9/4/2012

Friday, April 6, 2012



How many more years will it take
before all fighting cease.
Till people love their fellow men
and learn to live in peace.

And every child can have enough
to grow up safe and strong.
And every person in the world
learns how to get along.

Did Jesus die in vain that day
I hope that is not true
He died to make a better place
but that's up to me and you.

Since his death so long ago
Such a lot has changed
With science and technology
But still the greed remained

How would the world receive him
If he came to earth again
Would they listen to his message
To  help their fellow men

Or would many of the people
continue wars of hate
Do they really want peace now
Or is it all too late.

If we could have another chance
To do things differently
The world may be a better place
But greed won't let that be. 

We go to Church and pray for peace
We give to charity
There's food and money in the world 
but it's not shared equally.

One day we hope that things will change
And war and hate will cease
All people will live with dignity
And then we may find peace. 

Hilary J. 6/4/2012

Blooming Spring

Blooming Spring

Spring has arrived, the best time of the year
New lambs have been born and the bluebells appear
There are buds on the trees as new leaves start to grow
Daffodils are in blossom and the sun is aglow.

Boots are back in the wardrobe and sandals are out
Winter woolies are gone and bright dresses about.
Folks are out in their gardens weeding and sowing
It's exciting to see the new plants starting growing.

Then what do we see the very next day
There is frost on the ground and snow on the way.
Little lambs in the field are all huddled together
Will we ever get used to this blooming daft weather!

                                                                                                                Hilary J.      6/4/12

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blooming Birthdays

Blooming Birthdays

My blooming birthday is here again, without a by your leave
But I don't feel any older and still do as I please.
Round and round they come again and I don't think that it's fun
That every year I have to add another digit on.

How can I stop this getting old I really wish I knew
Down at the pub I'll sort it out with a glass of special brew.
Another birthday, I don't care because inside my head
I'm still young and free and twenty three and don't care what is said

So blooming birthdays can come and go cause I know what I'll do
I will keep on counting backwards until I'm twenty two!

                                                                     Hilary J.     February 2012