Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Heroes Of Our Time

The Heroes Of Our Time
They strode purposely on shoulder to shoulder but not a word was said
They strode purposely forward with dark thoughts and images stuck in their head.
Bodies now frail but walking tall
Hiding their sorrow from one and all.
The Heroes Of Our Time.
They march along in unison, although their steps are slow
They march along undaunted as they did those years ago.
No-one can really know the pain of friends shot down and killed or maimed
And still they come to march again.
The Heroes Of Our Time.
They stride silently step by step remembering their friends
Or brothers, sisters, comrades whose lives came to an end.
How tough they were, what dreadful times those brave men did endure
But every year they come to pay their own respects for Poppy Day.
The Heroes Of Our Time.
People turn and walk away once the veterans have passed by.
Forgetting that young soldiers are still sent out to die.
While politicians argue just which stratergy is best
And precious lives are lost again while papers lie on desks.
So when you see those Poppy Wreaths set out in nice straight lines
Remember that they represent
The Heroes Of Our Time.
Hil Jickells   12/11/12

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

bright stars

Bright Stars

In the mist of worldly troubles
On one thing you can rely
That on a nice clear evening
The stars shine in the sky.

They shine across all nations
  The same bright light on all
They do not have their favourites
or make a judgement call. 

For years and years they've guided
The scared and lost at sea.
Leading people safely home
Where ever they may be.

How many stars glow in the sky
Does anybody know.
How many people gazing upward
enjoy their glorious show.

The stars shine down on everyone
The richest and the poor.
But do the starving notice
When the're crying out for more.

Stars have guided led and provided
A light for the world to follow.
Showing the way, the time and the day
To a better and brighter tomorrow.

                                                                             HJ. 7/11/12

Where I want to go

Where I want to go
Oh for a sweet relaxing day
When everything goes well.
A quiet stroll along the bay
To take in sense and smell.
A gentle breeze upon my face
The sun warm on my back.
I wander at a gentle pace
Along a well worn track.
The calming perfume of a rose
The smell of new mown grass
A precious moment lost in thought
A magic time is grasped and caught.
Oh let my spirit float away
And treasure such a lovely day.
To sit without a care or woe
And go just where I want to go.
                                                                        HJ  7/11/12

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Did I Deserve That

Did I Deserve That

Did I deserve that, a slapped face, a broken tooth
Did I deserve that for telling the truth.
Is this my life, living in fear and in pain
Knowing it will happen again and again.

How did my life change so quick, so drastically
Where is the love that he once promised me.
Why is he so cruel what did I do wrong
This place of hatred is not where I belong.

I cry out in anquish but daren't tell a soul
That my life and my thoughts are all in his control.
I pretend things are right that I'm happy and free
And hide all my bruises so friends cannot see.

I don't know where to run, there is nowhere to hide
I feel scared at the thought and I tremble inside.
Some day I'll escape, some day I'll be brave
Or else I will ever live as his slave.

Hilary J.  12/06/12

Friday, May 18, 2012

Blooming Doctors

Blooming Doctors

I woke up with a sore throat and a really banging head
I thought it best to stay off work, and see the Doc instead.
I stumbled down the staircase so I could reach the phone
But when I rang the number I just got the engaged tone.

I sat and had a cup of tea then tried again to ring
All I heard was beep, beep, beep then my head began to spin.
I tried and tried to get in touch so an appointment I could make
Until eyes began to water and my ears began to ache.

 I thought that I must have the flu or something even worse
So phoned again, but still engaged, I had a little curse.
At last a voice did answer but then to my dismay
She said "I'm very sorry there's no appointments left today!

She said ring back tomorrow and I'll try to fit you in
I thought not blooming likely I won't go through this again.
I took some paracetamol and curled up in my bed
If I'm not right tomorrow the Doc can visit me instead!

Hilary J. 18/5/12

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blooming Shopping

Blooming Shopping

I just love my weekly shopping and always make a list
Of what I need and whats run out so nothing will get missed.
I end up with a trolley whose wheels are not aligned
So when I try to steer, it goes its own way and not mine.
I push the silly cart around avoiding this and that
And all the people who just want to block the aisles and chat.

I round a corner to get my beans and quickly have to stop.
There's someone stacking up the shelves so another aisle is blocked.
I battle on around the store and  look for special deals
There's three for two and two for one but none of them appeal.
I need to get some icing sugar, so I'll have to search around
I'd ask staff for assistance, but now there's no-one to be found.

I stand and gaze at the shampoos, which one is for me
Greasy, dry or normal so I better get all three.
I get my bread, potatoes, butter and some jam
Then it's over to the butchers to get a bit of ham.
I check my trusty shopping list and find that I've missed out
My favourite bar of chocolate and Mum's bottle of milk stout.

I get down to the check out and wait in a long queue
Thinking that I'll soon be home, well in an hour or two.
My turn is next, I'm nearly there and then a shout rings out
Sorry Luv I've finished now, and a closed sign is tossed out!
Oh I just love my weekly shopping but I'm not finished yet.
Next week they can do it for me because I'll order on the net!

Hilary J. 14/5/12

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blooming Weather

Blooming Weather

I just love the British weather unpredictable and insane
In the morning we have sunshine then by lunch time wind and rain.
Hang the clothes out, bring them in, this game can last all day
 Put the pegs in very firmly or the washing blows away.

A days excursion takes some planning, sorting out what I will need
Suncream, pac-a-mac, wellies, sandals better just take all of these.
Walking down beside the river the sun feels lovely on my face
Then a sudden crash of thunder sends me running somewhere safe.

Sheltering under a nearby oak tree, raindrops falling on my head
 My clothes are wet my picnic soggy, how I wish I'd stayed in bed!
But what do I see behind the rain clouds, the sun is shining in the sky
I get out my suncream and my sandwich in a bit I'll soon be dry.

Blooming weather!

Hilary J.       2/5/12

On The Face Of It.

On The Face Of It

On the face of it everything is fine.
How are you Mrs Flanagan, Oh I'm fine.
On the face of it everything seems good
How's the family Mr Roberts, Oh they're good.
In the face of problems people say that they are fine then rush away.
People learn to hide their pain, their disappointment or their shame.
They hide behind a pleasant face and never speak of their disgrace.
They carry on and hope some day that they can find a better way.
They try their best to make things right but find they face an uphill fight.
Who are these people feeling bad, our friends,our neighbours Mum or Dad.
So if you should ask how people are do so with a lot of care
They may be tired and need a rest so try a little gentleness.
True concern not empty words can help a person feel they're heard.
We cannot put the world to rights but we can help people in their fight.

                                         Hilary J.     2/5/12

Friday, April 27, 2012


Eat It Up

Eat those carrots
 They make you see in the dark.
But I'm scared of the dark.
Burnt toast make your hair curl
But I don't want curly hair.
Cabbage is full of iron
I don't want to go rusty
Milk makes your teeth strong
I don't want to bite anyone
Eat that fish it makes you brainy
I think I'm quite clever anyway
Oranges are full of vitamin C
So what
Garlic stops you having colds.
Liver is good for your blood.
Does everything have to do something
Can't it just taste good!

Hilary J.   27/4/12


Lets Play

A grubby little face looks up and sighs

Can you help me make mud pies?

A pretty pink princess smiles and says

could we bake a cake today?

So we make our mud pies and some gingerbread men

Then go play outside to make a big pirate den.

We walk to the park to the swings and the slide

Jump onto the roundabout and have a good ride.

We make paper planes and ramps for the car

And catch creepy crawlies to put in a jar.

Make perfume from rose petals that smells really bad

Thread beads and draw pictures for Mummy and Dad.

Sit down to eat ice cream, and a big chocolate bun

  Being a Granny is really good fun!


Hilary J. 27/4/12

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blooming Golf

Blooming Golf

Blooming golfs the daftest game that you have ever seen
Its played out in a great big field with hills and trees and stream
A greenkeeper builds obstacles to make it much more fun
with bunkers, ponds and slopping greens where little balls can run.

Each fairway is a different length to complicate the game
With bends and twists along the way no two holes are the same.
It would be very helpful to make the holes a bigger size
Instead they make them very small then stick a flag inside.

Across the green the golfer goes with trolley full of clubs
A little towel hanging down to give his balls a rub.
Some trollies have a battery to help them on their way
But sometimes they go too fast and crash on the fairway.

Onto the tee the golfer goes to play hole number three
He give a whack then looks dismayed, his balls stuck up a tree.
Hole number eights a tricky one its par four and its tough
But once again the player finds his ball is in the rough.

A little putt is all it takes to sink the ball on ten
Then blooming heck it rolls right round and down the hill again.
On the way to number twelve and 'fore' is shouted out
but the ball lands in the bunker so the wedge is taken out.

Hole fourteen is looking good, a straight drive to the green
Oh no! it's veered off to the right and landed in the stream.
With aching legs and muddy shoes the golfers feeling bad
The round of golf he'd just endured was the worst he'd ever had.

  Finishing on the eighteenth green at last he gives a cheer
Then heads off to the club house to sink a glass of beer!

Blooming Golf.

Hilary J.   9/4/2012

Friday, April 6, 2012



How many more years will it take
before all fighting cease.
Till people love their fellow men
and learn to live in peace.

And every child can have enough
to grow up safe and strong.
And every person in the world
learns how to get along.

Did Jesus die in vain that day
I hope that is not true
He died to make a better place
but that's up to me and you.

Since his death so long ago
Such a lot has changed
With science and technology
But still the greed remained

How would the world receive him
If he came to earth again
Would they listen to his message
To  help their fellow men

Or would many of the people
continue wars of hate
Do they really want peace now
Or is it all too late.

If we could have another chance
To do things differently
The world may be a better place
But greed won't let that be. 

We go to Church and pray for peace
We give to charity
There's food and money in the world 
but it's not shared equally.

One day we hope that things will change
And war and hate will cease
All people will live with dignity
And then we may find peace. 

Hilary J. 6/4/2012

Blooming Spring

Blooming Spring

Spring has arrived, the best time of the year
New lambs have been born and the bluebells appear
There are buds on the trees as new leaves start to grow
Daffodils are in blossom and the sun is aglow.

Boots are back in the wardrobe and sandals are out
Winter woolies are gone and bright dresses about.
Folks are out in their gardens weeding and sowing
It's exciting to see the new plants starting growing.

Then what do we see the very next day
There is frost on the ground and snow on the way.
Little lambs in the field are all huddled together
Will we ever get used to this blooming daft weather!

                                                                                                                Hilary J.      6/4/12

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blooming Birthdays

Blooming Birthdays

My blooming birthday is here again, without a by your leave
But I don't feel any older and still do as I please.
Round and round they come again and I don't think that it's fun
That every year I have to add another digit on.

How can I stop this getting old I really wish I knew
Down at the pub I'll sort it out with a glass of special brew.
Another birthday, I don't care because inside my head
I'm still young and free and twenty three and don't care what is said

So blooming birthdays can come and go cause I know what I'll do
I will keep on counting backwards until I'm twenty two!

                                                                     Hilary J.     February 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Icy Fingers

Icy Fingers

Icy fingers scratched and clawed feebly at the door
No-one answered it.
A whispering, whimpering voice called out
No-one heard it.
Frozen frost bitten hands tapped weakly against the window pane
No-one noticed.
Outside the wind and snow thrashed mercilessly around
Inside people were warm and dry
While feet away at the cabin door a man wept and prayed.

Life's Garden

Flower People

People are like flowers that bloom in life's garden
Some are delicate, dainty and small
While others are bold and as bright as the sunflower
That grows strong and is daring and tall.

Some people are like snowdrops that bloom in life's winter
When your garden feels barren and bare
When you need cheering up and you're really  fed up
You're so pleased that a snowdrop is there.

Other people are like poppies popping up unexpected
But not always in the right place
They are cheerful and bright and a total delight
And can  grow in the gloomiest place.

There are people like rose so pretty and fragrant
But of them you need to take care.
Just remember that roses are not always perfect
Some have thorns so you better take care.

Purple heathers are found on hillsides and moorlands
Where the ground can be harsh and so rough.
They are hardy and brave and bloom unafraid
Even though their surroundings are tough.

If you were a flower would you be a daisy
A rose or forget-me-not blue.
Or would you be a weed popping up as you please
Just what kind of flower are you!

Hilary J. 27/3/12

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Your Love

Your love

You speak to me with your soft brown eyes and I hear you with my soul
You caress my being with your touch and make my spirit whole
How could I live without this love that completes and nurtures me
You have my heart, my breath, my life, our love will always be.

How can a look or touch convey the feelings that they do
I think the answer has to be, it's just because it's you.
So hold me close and keep me safe within your loving arms
For it's only there that I feel safe, and free from any harm. 


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Yorkshire Courting


A Yorkshire lass once went out courting
 Thought she'd met the man of her dreams
But when she started getting to know him
Things were not just as right as they seemed.

He didn't know a thing about cricket
Or how to make a good Yorkshire pud
He had not even watched any rugby
Or gone to the Cow and Calf pub.

The lass started feeling quite worried
She pondered and pondered all night
A Yorkshire man with no cap or no ferret
And knew nowt about Boycott weren't right.

"Where were you born" she then asked him
And he said "Oh I'm not from round here
I was born other side of the Pennines
At Todmorden in great Lancashire.

The romance could not be continued
Of that it was ever so clear
I can't wed a man that ain't Yorkshire
And drinks Thwaites not Taylors best beer!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lost at Sea

Lost At Sea

A shadowy form haunts the crumbling clifftops overlooking a perilous sea
It appears unannounced, unwelcome, unwanted, by other spirits set free
The shapeless form appears again and again as the waves crash onto the shore
Tormented and tortured in body and soul by things that have happened before.

His boat had set sail with the crew all aboard but before the skipper was there
For reasons unknown fishermen went alone into the salty night air
For hour upon hour he waited and watched expecting the trawlers return
Hour after hour in terrible gales, while the rough sea continued to churn.

It was decades ago when the boat went to sea but the skipper continues to wait
The mystery prevails why the crew did set sail and not wait for the storm to abate.
Were the nets ever cast, was the craft overturned or just snatched away out of reach
For no sightings of wrecks, broken bows or decks were ever washed up on the beach.

No one could tell, of the fate that befell the trawler that terrible night
No clues left to see in the wild raging sea not a sign of the boat was in sight
Could the skipper have saved every one from their graves this he would never know
How his boat disappeared and came to it's rest in the murky dark ,waters below.

Now the skipper can't rest everyone did their best but a rescue was not meant to be
 But night  after night he still waits for a sight of his boat and his men lost at sea.



Saturday, February 25, 2012

Blooming Dancing

Blooming Dancing Lessons

One two Cha Cha Cha this is what to do
Don't worry you'll soon pick it up in a week or two
Three four Cha Cha Cha now you do a twirl
Chaisse, step and round you go- my head is in a whirl.

One two Cha Cha Cha keep your head up tall
Shoulders straight and don't look down, mind that you don't fall
Three four Cha Cha Cha lock step then a spin
Right foot forward now rock back, point your right foot in.

One Two Cha Cha Cha New Yorker then a turn
Ballroom dancing may be fun but it's hard to learn
Three four Cha Cha Cha, arms out a little bit
I think that I'm beginning to get the hang of it.

One  two Cha Cha Cha now thats the way to go
Ouch! my dancing partner has just trod on my toe.
Three four Cha Cha Cha backwards, forwards sway
I wish I could remember to go the proper way.

One two Cha Cha Cha my feet are getting sore
And I'll be jolly glad when I can get off this dance floor.
Three four Cha Cha Cha my legs have turned to wood
And I thought this Blooming Ballroom dancing was supposed to do me good!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Walk a While With Me

Walk a while with me through the maze of life
When the wild winds blow and the storm is rife.
When the paths unclear and the journeys long
Walk a while with me as I go along.

Walk a while with me when I'm feeling low
When my spirits weak and my footsteps slow.
When I'm not too sure where the road will end
Walk a while with me when I need a friend.

Walk a while with me when the sky is blue
When the rain is gone and the sun shines through
When my heart is light and the day is long
Walk a while with me you have made me strong.

16 February 2012 

Life's Surprises

Life's Surprises  

Are there thing like God's Angels or are we in danger
Of trusting what's really not there
Do we make our own future or does destiny lead us 
To happiness joy or despair.
It's a strange road to travel, this journey called life
Though its something we all have to share
Through black holes and tumult when we think we can't make it
To ecstacy, passion and care
So cling onto your hopes, there no time to mope
Or prepare for whats going to be
Life's a box of surprises full of different disguises
So cross your fingers and just wait and see.


Gods Country

Gods Own Country

Much has been written about Gods own Country
About lakes and rivers and seas
Much has been said about beautiful flowers
And plants and bushes and trees
Enough has been spoken of verdent green pastures
And rolling hills and dales
Mountains so high they are touching the sky
And oceans with fishes and Whales

What about things that nobody thinks of
Tiny insects and spiders and slugs
Nothing is written of greenfly or beetles
Of woodlice or little black bugs
We don't hear a thing about earwigs and fleas
Or midges and buzzing black and gold bees
But without flies and snails and things on the list
And all other creepy crawlies I've missed
God's Glorious Country would never exist.  



Blooming Puzzles

Blooming Puzzles

I love doing crossword puzzles
And do one every day
I sit down with my paper 
To pass some time away.

One across and then three down
I have to stop and think
I haven't  time for washing up
So I leave it in the sink.

Until my crosswords finished
Nothing else gets done
So I have another cup of coffee
And perhaps a currant bun.

What was the clue for nine across
Nothing seems to fit
I'll have to get my dictionary
Whle I try to think of it.

Does anyone know this fifteen down
I really want to shout
If you do then hurry up 
And call the answer out.

I love my crossword puzzles
And I know they should be fun
But it really drives my crazy
Until I've got it done.

Cryptic clues or anagrams
If the answer is not right
This Blooming crossword puzzle
Could keep me up all night.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Colourful Earth
Imagine a world without any flowers
No trees, no leaves no April showers
To make things grow the way they should
No roses, tulips or bluebell woods.

Imagine a world without any colour
Void of all brightness, darker and duller
No pretty pinks, no green or blue
No buttercup yellow with golden hue.

Imagine a world all black and grey
With all the colours stripped away
Dark and dreary full of gloom
Where nothing good or bright could bloom
No joy, no hope, no glimmering light
To excite,enjoy, enthral, delight.

Now Imagine the world as one floral display
Where every flower would have it's say
Snowdrops so delicate and sunflowers tall
They are ours to enjoy so let's care for them all
Each one is special in it's beauty and worth
So lets start protecting this colourful earth.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Which Way

Which Way

What the Hell is life about
When we try to work it out
Are we weak or are we strong
Where is the will to carry on.
Does love really conquer all
Does pride come before a fall.
Is there always hope and love
Will we find our rest above.
Life's a journey so they say
Love will always find a way
A way to where I do not know
Or even if I wish to go.

                                         February 2012

Don't Forget There's Me

Don't Forget There's Me

Trapped in a web of circumstance
Encompassed by other's needs
Unable to choose the way forward
Unable to do as I please

Do people see me as a person
Or just the label I wear
A carer, a mother, a daughter a wife
There are so many roles to declare

My own needs are pushed further backward
As others become more increased
I'm happy to care but you people out there
Don't forget there is me underneath.

          February 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Friendships are like trees
They can grow strong, yet be as frail as fallen leaves
New branches shoot out from nowhere
As old twigs fall and tumble to the ground.
Ever changing yet remaining firm
Through wind, snow, rain and sunshine
Sherltering us from turbulence and harm.
Friendships sway gently in the breeze of life.
Where would we be without friends!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blooming Flowers

Blooming Flowers

I planted seeds in my greenhouse there
And tended them with loving care
With hope and pride I watched them grow
Protecting them from frost and snow

I fed and watered and watched them sprout
Until the first green leave popped out
The flowers bloomed and began to grow
So I planted a border in a long straight row

Then one day what did I see
There were big holes in every leaf
No flowers were there, the stalks were all bare
With some fat slimey slugs underneath!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Blooming Blogs

Blooming Blog

I'll make us a blog - he said
It's easy to use  - he said
Just click on the site
Type your name in just right
And off you go - he said

I clicked on the site - like he said
Typed my name in just right -like he said
Then confusion set in
Couldn't write any thing
I'll keep practicing - like he said.

My blog is now my delight
I have so many pages to write
Putting a photograph in
Was a difficult thing
But one day I may get it right!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



Hoping to go on holiday
Hoping for some sun
In a plane and up and away
Now my working life is done.
Lovely lovely holidays
Are what I'm dreaming of
relaxing on a golden beach with
yummy drinks and food to eat
The holiday has begun.